Knitting Diaries


I thought I would give you all a little update on how my knitting has been progressing. I started it a few weeks ago when I went home and it has been growing steadily ever since! Although I have been knitting for years, this is the first time I have attempted an item of clothing, previously opting for scarves or even simply knitting squares due to always feeling slightly too impatient to complete larger projects. However, I seem to have doubted myself unnecessarily as so far I seem to be powering through at quite a pace, and am thoroughly enjoying it. Although it is quite a simple pattern, I wanted to make sure that I would be able to actually finish it before attempting anything more detailed or in depth. I was also very fortunate in that my friends lovely mum gave me the wool and pattern, so I have been able to make this garment without worrying about losing money if I dont finish or if my impatience got the better of me.

I apologise in advance for the particularly sketchy iPhone photo, but I wanted to give you an idea of how I'm doing. So far I have completed the back panel, and am now working my way through the front piece. I will keep you updated with my progress, and hopefully you will all be able to see pictures of me wearing the top in no time!

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  1. That looks so nice and I adore the colour. Can't wait till its completed! xx


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