

This is Mr.Jingles. He was the cutest little mouse you could ever meet, with the cheekiest personality that only those lucky enough to meet him experienced. This probably sounds crazy to those of you who didn’t meet him or don’t like mice, but trust me – he was amazing.
Soft grey with a teeny white spot on his back and a gorgeous coral coloured tummy, little Jings loved cream crackers and was even partial to the odd bit of quaver, or, when he was feeling multicultural, a bit of poppadum. He had an extensive palette, let me tell you.
He always loved a cuddle and being out of the cage from the day we got him, on my 18th birthday, and never tried to get away or bite us. He particularly loved it when we moved to Southampton, as this meant he could run unattended around the entire flat, which must’ve been like running a marathon! Only once did he make a break for the forbidden world of Under the Bed, and after some coaxing with a cracker he soon returned. He would even get in bed with us, burrowing through tunnels in the duvet and playing hide and seek.
His cuteness was confirmed when he even converted my mum into a mouse lover, and whenever she was here you would soon hear: “Jingley want some nanny cracker?!” She’s a freak, but we love her.
Mr.Jingles died yesterday, aged 19 months, and I thought I would write about him because I’m not really sure what else to do. One things for sure,  a little piece of my heart has gone with him and he will never be forgotten.

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