Au revoir England!



With the 7am departure time looming ever nearer, I am almost ready for our course trip to Paris. I am a complete list freak, with every detail written on various specified pages - clothes (broken down into outfits for each day), accessories, toiletries and essentials (passport, chargers etc). As much of a freak as that makes me sound, its all part of the fun of going away for me - I just love a list!
I have discovered whilst packing that my entire wardrobe is black, apart from a red blazer and a cream blouse. As an avid black lover I'm sure this comes as no surprise to any of you; I just think you can't fail to look good in black. This trip also gives me the perfect excuse to give my vintage leather skirt its first outing, something I am far too excited about! I think I'll pair it with a sheer black pussybow blouse, my gorgeous red River Island blazer and black John Rocha suede chelsea boot style wedges, which should give me a stylish parisian nighttime outfit. For the days, I have opted for simple, chic outfits accessorised with Chanel-esque quilted ballet pumps and a range of (my obsession) printed scarves.
As our hotel has wifi I am hoping I'll be able to keep you all updated while we're there, filling you in on how my all black ensembles have gone down - especially my leather skirts debut outing. As they say ladies, once you've gone black...

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