Summer Sunnies


Supposedly, summer is on it's way. Not that we have much evidence of this currently. But, with optimistic thoughts, it's time to start investing in key summer pieces and be prepared for when the glorious summer sun decides to grace us with it's presence. One of my favourite summer buys is always sunglasses. They are the perfect way to jazz up any outfit, and are also excellent at hiding away a tired/hungover/make-up-free face - how can you not love them? 

To start my collection each year I always stock up on a few pairs of Primark aviators and wayfarers, because they're my ultimate summer staple year after year (and I always end up losing them or sitting on them). Then, I hunt out a couple of special pairs that are worth splurging a bit more cash on, and the ones that I try my hardest not to put down or squash. Here are some of my favourites from Topshop this season. 





What's your favourite style of sunnies?

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