Old is the New Young


The smartest old man sat next to me on the bus today, and I mean shockingly smart. Dark corduroy trousers, a smart dark green Barbour style coat, a white shirt with a v neck jumper over the top, tan leather gloves - you get the idea. On top of this, he smelt amazing!

This struck me as a rarity, and something as a younger generation we dont tend to expect from our Nans and Grandads. Fashionable and sweet smelling are not always the first words that spring to mind; we tend to think more of pop socks, dodgy pastel embroidered t shirts and sensible shoes (with a completely inappropriately coloured sock). However, perhaps we don't give our elders enough credit for their fashion endeavours.

My Nan was the perfect example of a stylish member of the older generation. In basic terms, she refused to get old. She continuously died her hair, as the idea of being grey made her suicidal, and point blank refused to wear trousers - only skirts, in a variety of pleated and floral combinations. She smelt amazing, and left a hazy perfume, lipstick and hairspray filled cloud wafting behind her wherever she went. She was the epitome of the old school woman, always perfectly coiffed, and something I will definitely be recreating when I reach that golden age.

My elderly encounter on the bus has given me food for thought on where I direct my clothing aspirations and appreciation - sometimes the best style is achieved in an entirely different world from fashion magazines and catwalks.

P.s I simply had to include that image, I think they look amazing! 

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